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Bonne annee 2013 et nouvelles du Quebec Oz Club - Happy New year 2013 and news from the Quebec Oz Club


Que le temps passe vite, c'est difficile a croire que ca fait deja 13 ans que nous avons eu les Olympiques de Sydney !  Je ne sais pas si vous prenez des resolutions cette annee mais la mienne est de retrouver la forme physique et on m'a suggere d'aller voir une femme "personal trainer" qui est specialiste en cross training.  Elle est fantastique et ca fait deja 3 semaines (4 a 5 fois par semaine).  En plus elle charge seulement $20 par session de groupe et nous sommes de 2 a 8 personnes par groupe. Voila ... c'est ma resolution, il ne faut pas en prendre trops car nous risquons de ne pas les tenir.

It is hard to believe that it has been 13 years since the Sydney Olympics.  I decided to take one resolution this year and it is to get in shape.  I have a personal trainer (a woman who is specialised in cross training).  We are small groups in a park and she is amazing, she pushes us hard and I train 4 to 5 times a week.  Her fees are very good, $20 each session and we could be from 2 to 8 persons per session.  So, one resolution is enough for me otherwise I won't keep it !


(15 decembre 2012)

Merci/Thank you !

It was a huge success, the food was amazing and we had so much fun.  I hired an accordeon player and we had great prizes to raffle.  It was a sold out event, 68 adults and 7 kids.

We had the pleasure to have as special guests our Consul General of Canada, Monsieur Mario St-Marie who came with his family

Tribute .... Thank you so much/Merci beaucoup a ceux qui ont participe a mon cadeau surprise et pour votre presentation et appreciation.  I was really taken by surprise and was moved by this presentation. As you know I love being involved with our community and when I moved to Australia seventeen years ago, I felt that I needed to connect with our culture while living in our new home called Australia.  Since we have no family or for some members you have a small family I felt that the best thing to do is to create one.  As you know I am not paid to manage the Quebec Oz Club and I don't charge a membership fee.  I just do it because I love getting people together and to promote our culture in Australia.

We have a total of 400 members that are registered on our website, mailing list and facebook group.

Nous avons plus de 400 membres qui sont enregistres sur notre website, liste d'envoi et groupe facebook.

AGAIN ... MERCI pour votre support et a ceux qui m'aide quand j'organise des evenements xxx

Les activites pour 2013 avec le Quebec Oz Club

Cette annee nous aurons encore plusieurs activites interessantes. 

La premiere est mardi le 8 janvier au Notes Live a Sydney.  Nous avons un groupe de canadiens qui viennent des provinces des maritimes.  Ils sont fantastiques, venez les encourager.  L'an dernier quelques un d'entre eux sont venus en Australie et ils etaient extremement populaires.  Les billets sont un vrai "bargain" $17.85pour le spectacle seulement et pour dinner and show c'est $42.35.

Le spectacle CAVALIA en provenance du Quebec ... www.cavalia.com.au sera en Australie a compter du mois de mars a Brisbane!  Les spectacles de Sydney seront a compter de mai et Melbourne a compter du mois d'aout.

Il y aura plusieurs activites dans l'anne, je vous tiendrai au courant !

Activities with the Quebec Oz Club for 2013

The first activity is Tuesday January 8th at Notes Live in Sydney.  A group of Canadian musicians from Eastcoast will be performing at the Club Notes Live on Enmore road in Sydney.  I saw some of them last year and they were amazing.  The tickets are really cheap less than $17.85 for the show only and about $42.35 for dinner and show, it is a bargain !

The other main event is CAVALIA.  Cavalia is a production coming from Quebec featuring horses and acrobats, it is a MUST SEE.  They will be in Brisbane in March, then Sydney in May and then Melbourne in August. Look at the website and I suggest that you buy your tickets quickly www.cavalia.com.au

We will have many more activities this year, I will keep you posted !

Diane Yanire


Quebec Oz Club

Mobile - 0414951961


Posted on January 1, 2013 at 01:03PM by Registered CommenterDiane | Comments Off

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