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Volontaires Canadiens Français/French Canadian volunteer

Volontaires Canadiens Français/French Canadian volunteers

The Willoughby City Library is looking for people to help with a Canadian cultural display for their Carnivale event in September. They would love to include some French-Canadian material, so we (the Canadian Australian Club) are looking for the following:

French Canadian Speaking Volunteers

The library is hoping that we might be able to provide some French Canadian material and/or volunteers. If you or anyone you know is bilingual and could help out, please spread the word.

Library Activities

During their Carnivale, the library will hold a story time and organise crafts for children ages 5-11. The Library is looking for easy craft ideas that children could complete in 60 min, as well as Canadian themed pre-school books (French and English). I think these activities occur on a Wednesday and Thursday morning. I know many of you work during the day, but if you are available to help out those days (or know others who may be able to) please let me know. There are no confirmed dates yet, but the library is putting their proposal together and just need an idea if anyone would be available to help out.

Contact: Kathleen



Posted on May 7, 2014 at 06:51PM by Registered CommenterDiane | Comments Off

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